July 06, 2017 1 min read
Today was "yarn day"! We buy, twist and crochet about 70 kg/155 pounds of yarn every month. We use organic cotton yarn from a local producer.
Being women only enterprise all task even delivery loading, offloading even heavy duty work is done collectively with me being the driver. My 3 months old coming with me wherever I go. Well, she loves it at the yarn factory, tonnes of attention from all the guys working there as they all run to greet us and they call Eva the cutest customer and there are tonnes of colours to pick at... It is one of the most tiring days of the whole month as traffic is just unbearable in Istanbul and we have to go from European side where the factory is to Asian side where our workshop is via one of the bridges and back to Europe where my house is.... Lots of driving in one day... At the workshop, we unload the car and start twisting and winding the yarn...
This is the place where we pick our colours ...
And here in our workshop...