Handmade Toys, healthy toys

October 16, 2014 2 min read

The trend of handmade toys grows and grows. They are a great alternative to all that plastic junk we usually find in stores. Colourful, beautiful creations attract more and more responsable parents seeking alternatives. 

For some time now, especially in Turkey when you say hand made toys, crochet or knit toys, people say immediately "healthy toys". While for most cases it is true, hand made toys especially those knit or crochet ones are healthier alternatives to plastic but it might not always be the case. Here are a few tips and things to consider while purchasing handmade toys for your little ones.

  1. Always look and ask what are the toys made of. Are those amigurumi knitted with natural or organic yarns? Prefer organic cotton, natural wool, ask about dyes (are they heavy metal free) Ask if the yarn used has certification like GOATS, Sertex, OEKO Tex… If the toy you buy for your little one to chew on or sleep or cuddle with is made out of Acrylic or Polyester yarn your toy is not that healthy after all.
  2. Look if the eyes, noses and other small pieces are properly attached. Small buttons and other beads might represent a serious chucking hasard for babies. Prefer toys with safety eyes those with a safety at the back which you can not detach from the toy. You can also ask is they are tested for harmful substances
  3. Ask about the filling, all of those beautiful dolls and amigurumi and other stuffed toys are filled with polyester stuffing. Some of them are better than others, chose those using quality one preferable certified OEKO Tex.
  4. Look at the over all stitching, make sure parts of the toy can not detach or open 
  5. Check the hair on the dolls, make sure your kid can not easily pull them out 
  6. And at last your are the judge to see if the toy you buy is age appropriate for you little one.

See details about row material used in our toys here 

See our handmade toys here